The “sequoias of the sea” suck up carbon and shelter special species. They’ve been hit hard, but scientists, surfers, and more are banding together to save them.
Read MoreLOS ANGELES – Considered a delicacy around the globe, sea urchins please the palates of the wealthy, showing up on sushi bars and swirled into pasta at fine restaurants. However, these spiny creatures in recent years have plowed through forests of bull kelp along coasts around the world.
Read More下次吃壽司、或是日本料理,記得多吃一顆海膽,因為你可能正在「救地球」呢!海膽的主食是海帶,而海帶在海洋生態系統理佔極重要的位置,由於海膽數量迅速增加,導致美國加州海帶面臨枯竭的危險,這一切其實都環環相扣,因為全球暖化關係,紫海膽暴增,海帶森林被「啃成沙漠」,養殖者為了保環境不得不潛進海裡清除海膽。
Read MoreThe ocean is undergoing unprecedented changes. What does it mean for marine life, the planet, and us?
Read MoreUrchinomics is opening its first land-based sea urchin ranch in Norway, in a project that could both improve marine habitats and help diversify the country's aquaculture sector.
Read MoreTareskogen er helt avgjørende for livet i havet, og har ti ganger mer økonomisk verdi enn regnskogen. Norge har Europas største tareskog, men har allerede mistet nesten halvparten av den.
Read MoreSince 2014, the Sonoma and Mendocino coast has lost 90% of its bull kelp forest due to climate change. Interestingly, the solution to the crisis may involve eating purple sea urchin.
Read MoreDesperate times, as the adage goes, call for desperate measures.
Read MoreSea urchin farming could give Norway a new export commodity for gourmet restaurants in Europe and Asia, and help to save the kelp forests on Norway’s coastal seabed.
Read MoreZee-egels eten graag zeewier. Wie niet?!!! Maar zij vinden het zo lekker en eten er zoveel van dat ze hele zeewierwouden verorberen.
Read MoreThese spiny little animals are in desperate need of population control, and our sushi habits could help.
Read MoreSpiky, voracious and multiplying at an alarming rate, sea urchins are destroying marine ecosystems around the world. The solution? Eat them, according to one company.
Read MoreSea urchin ranching concept Urchinomics is investing in its first land-based pilot facility in Norway, the firm told Undercurrent News.
Read MoreThe ravenous creatures are destroying vast swaths of kelp forests, which are crucial for carbon storage. Is the answer staring us in the plate?
Read MoreOff the Northern California coast, there is a crisis beneath the waves. The kelp forest – seaweed that provided habitat and food for much of life in the ocean – is gone, wiped out by an exploding population of purple sea urchins.
Read MoreOff the Northern California coast, there is a crisis beneath the waves. The kelp forest – seaweed that provided habitat and food for much of life in the ocean – is gone, wiped out by an exploding population of purple sea urchins.
Read MoreAvec le réchauffement des océans, les oursins menacent la biodiversité marine. Une entreprise veut faire de cet animal un incontournable des sushis gastronomiques.
Read MoreDenise MacDonald held out a tray of spiny purple sea urchins. The roe, served in the shell and the color of egg yolk, contrasted nicely with the urchin's dark, purple spines. MacDonald, director of global brand marketing at a company called Urchinomics, invited me to have a taste. I scooped up a blueberry-sized amount with a spoon.
Read More在自然環境下,海膽的主食是海藻與海草,根據《快公司》(Fast Company)報導,美國加州外海近年因為紫海膽大量增生,導致海藻生長速度遠不及紫海膽吃的速度,不但對當地海藻造成威脅,也讓其他海洋生物挨餓,海膽反而成了對生態「有害」的生物,破壞海洋生態。
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